
Ms. Ka-Lai LAW
Hong Kong

Ms. Judy Law Ka Lai graduated in the Chinese University of Hong Kong in both Bachelor of Nursing and Master of Art in Family Counselling and Family Education. She has been working in United Christian Hospital KEC Pain Management Centre as a pain nurse since 2014.

Judy demonstrated her enthusiasm in caring patients who are suffering from pain condition. In the past few years, she has been involving in improving the standard of pain services as well as a member in establishing multidisciplinary chronic pain management program and pain nurse clinic. She is also responsible for in-hospital pain service training. In order to enhance frontline staffs’ confidence and clinical competence in pain management, she engaged in 21/22 KEC Smart Projects and applied augmented reality (AR) technology for simulation training on pain related nursing care to frontline staff.

Innovation to Practice: Explore the Feasibility of Applying Augmented Reality (AR) Technology for Simulation Training on Epidural Analgesia Nursing Care among Nurses

Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience that combines the real world and computer-generated content. AR environments are designed to closely simulate real situations/scenarios, allowing users to observe and engage in experiences free of time and space restrictions. Pain nurses provide training to ward nurses on epidural analgesia nursing care. Each year, 80 new joined ward nurse is needed to be trained on this specific nursing care by instruction, demonstration and return demonstration. The performance assessment is manually done. UCH pain nurses tried to apply AR technology to develop a mobile simulation training system in order to improve effectiveness and training quality for nurses.

After applying the simulation training system, the instructors’ training hours reduced. In addition each nurse can self-perform the simulation training on their own. It reduced instructor time but maintained nurse performance monitoring as the trainer performance is recorded in the tablet. Competence level of a trained nurse was assessed automatically and all the trained nurses could instantly know whether they had completed the knowledge test and nursing care task with different case scenario simulation. 95% trained nurses reported that MR assisted epidural catheter nursing care training was beneficial in enhancing knowledge and self-confidence to perform the epidural analgesia nursing care in clinical setting.

AR is a promising tool for instructing practical skills, and has the potential to enable superior learning outcomes. Advances in AR technology are necessary to improve the usability of current systems.
