
Dr. Andy NG
Hong Kong

Dr Andy Ng is an associate consultant anaesthetist at Queen Mary Hospital and Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor of the Department of Anaesthesia of the University of Hong Kong. His main clinical interests are medical education, anaesthesia for advanced airway, obstetric anaesthesia and perioperative medicine.

Quality Improvement in Obstetric Anaesthesia

In Obstetric anesthesia we provide our best interest to the parturient, her fetus and their family.  Longer life expectancy, advancing maternal age, medical co-morbidities, rising public expectations, and the great era of big data all have an increasing impact on labour and delivery.  In this lecture our team would share our journey in Queen Mary Hospital, the tertiary referral center in Hong Kong, on how we build our system resilience.  Through team based training, multi-domains simulation, multidisciplinary care bundles, high dependency unit, and other quality improvement projects, we strive our excellence in routine and complicated deliveries and provide holistic care in obstetric anaesthesia in Hong Kong.