Deadline for Abstract Submission:
20 October 2021 31 October 2021
Deadline for Early-Bird Registration:
20 October 2021 27 October 2021


Dr. Albert CHAN
Associate Consultant
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Prince of Wales Hospital
Hong Kong

Albert Chan (FHKCA, FANZCA, FHKAM Anaesthesiology) works as an Associate Consultant at the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH). He has great passion in medical education, especially simulation-based medical education, and is currently the chair of the Board of Education of Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists (HKCA), and member of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) Education Committee. He is very active in medical simulation both locally and internationally, in areas of translational simulation, faculty development and clinical debriefing.

He is currently lead of the HKCA Welfare Workgroup and member of HKAM Well-being Taskforce. Along with the workgroup, Albert has identified the importance of doctors' well-being and is actively trying to raise awareness, as well as seek strategies to help decrease burn out and enhance resilience in the workplace.

Well-being in the workplace: where are we now?

Doctor's well-being, especially for anaesthesiologists, has been a topic of heated discussion in the recent times. In this talk, we hope to help attendees gain a better understanding of what burn out is, the relevance of well-being to our profession as well as specialty, and to explore future strategies that can possibly help promote well-being and resilience amongst us.

