Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2010
Hong Kong

Dr Mark Stoneham

Dr Stoneham is currently Consultant Anaesthetist working in Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. Dr Stoneham spent 5 years as a doctor in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines (including service at HMS Tamar) before starting anaesthesia training in the South West of England. He spent 2 years as a Visiting Instructor at the University of Michigan Medical Centre before being appointed Consultant Anaesthetist at the John Radcliffe Hospital in 1998. His clinical and research interests are in awake carotid surgery (which he started in Oxford in 1997) - in particular peri-operative blood pressure control and also the subgroup of patients who become neurologically disabled following carotid cross-clamping. When he is not working he will often be sailing, or wishing he was sailing.